Our Story

Work Shouldn’t Suck

That belief brought us together. We believe work should be a positive experience and nothing’s more positive and energizing than being successful. Together, we knew we could help clients be successful and have fun getting there. One reason is our different perspectives that contribute to success.

As a strategist and longtime CEO, Lori helps leaders work “on the business” increasing value and profitability. Cyndi works “in the business” using her background in organizational development and process engineering to create the internal alignment needed to get results.

Recognizing the value of our combined strengths, we did it. We launched IntentPlus in 2017 to serve clients — not as outside consultants looking in — but as consulting partners vested in your success, working alongside you and making it fun.

Our Measure of Success

Delivering the promised, defined results and helping clients enjoy the experience of getting there.

See What Makes us Different

Humans grasp something new by understanding how it’s different from what we already know. That’s why the first cars were called horseless carriages. To understand us, you have to know how we differ from other consultants. Both the automobile and the horse-drawn carriage may get you down the road, but there’s a big difference in how far each will take you and how you’ll enjoy the ride. See what makes us different.

Lori Bryant
Chief Opportunity Officer

As CEO, Lori has led one of the nation’s 500 fastest growing companies.  She understands the building blocks that need to be in place to grow a business and to ensure sustainable success in an ever-changing marketplace.


With a more than 30-year track record, Lori is a been-there-done-it executive and consultant with valuable insights for navigating both high growth and troubled times.

Cyndi Sparks
Chief Reality Officer

Cyndi has a sixth sense, an uncanny ability to see how all components of a business align to achieve results. More importantly, she spots misalignments that hamper progress. But her skills aren’t purely intuitive.

From process engineering to methodologies for employee engagement, Cyndi is a tactical consulting partner who can delve into a company’s inner workings to fine-tune systems and transform cultures.

IntentPlus Resource Team

We believe in surrounding ourselves with smart people. We’ve assembled a Resource Team that we bring on to engagements when there are specialized needs. The team includes financial analysts, IT specialists, and HR administrators.

Each is a subject matter expert, but more than that, they share the values that make working with them a comfortable and insightful experience.


What we do is strongly tied to our values. At IntentPlus, we:

Act with Intent

Behave with Integrity

Laugh & Enjoy Work

Commit to Learning

Deliver Results