Who We Aren’t

Cookie-Cutter Cathy

No matter the industry or issue, Cathy offers you the same advice and strategies as her last 100 clients. Her approach is fixed and whatever your issues are, they are shaped to fit her model, not the other way around.

At IntentPlus, we listen. We have diagnostic tools that help us quickly get our arms around what needs to be done, but everything we do is based on your unique situation. Lessons previously learned can be valuable, but only in the context of your marketplace, your staff, your resources, your leadership.

Time Clock Teddy

Teddy has lots to offer … as long as the meter is running. Every phone call, every meeting, every moment Teddy spends pondering counts as a billable minute.

At IntentPlus, we don’t work that way. We want to be able to dig deep without driving up your anxiety about what that will cost. Free-ranging conversations without the pressure of a time clock can yield important insights. That’s why we never charge an hourly or daily fee. You know what an engagement costs before we start. Then we can all forget about it and get to work.

Academic Andrew

Professor Andrew, “the smartest guy in the room,” has a string of letters behind his name to prove he knows his stuff … right from a book. Unfortunately, the real world isn’t always so predictable and precise. Besides, when you’re busy running a business or organization, you don’t want to be lectured nor is your goal to be the subject of Professor Andrew’s next academic article.

At IntentPlus,  we’ve hit the books  just like Andrew and are committed to continual education. The difference is our knowledge has been tested in the pass-fail world of business and non-profits. To us, grades don’t matter. Results do.

Move-in Marvin and Out-the-door Oliver

Good ol’ Marv gets his foot in the door and never wants to leave. He creates the mystique of being indispensable and only proposes ideas that insure he’ll stay on board one engagement after another. Oliver’s the opposite. He writes a report and calls his work done, never worrying that his suggestions are impractical. He’s long-gone when it’s time to implement so what does he care if the ideas aren’t actionable?

At IntentPlus our goal is to help you find your path forward. We will roll up our shirtsleeves and make sure you’re well on your way, but if you continue to need us forever, we haven’t done our job.

Bragging Brenda

Brenda is a braggart who makes you well-aware of her great business achievements. We understand. Braggarts win contracts. But do you really want a consultant with an infallible track record?

At IntentPlus, we know the most important lessons are often learned during the dark times. If Brenda has has never failed, she’s never been tested. We’ve stumbled and fallen. We don’t mind telling you. Those experiences – just like when we’ve crossed the finish line victorious – are what make us a valuable asset. We are realists who can spare you unpleasant lessons and jump-start your companies’ success.

Boring Betty

She’s the consultant you don’t love or hate. She’s too boring to inspire any reaction.

At IntentPlus, you can call us anything but boring. We love our jobs, in part, because we have fun. Too many hours are spent working to not enjoy what we’re doing. Even in do-or-die situations, we find ways to laugh and will help you do the same. We take the work seriously, not ourselves.