
At IntentPlus, we value integrity, humor, learning and results. That’s just part of what you’ll discover about us while we learn about you and your needs in our Get-To-Know-You Process.


Whether it’s by phone, video conference or face-to-face, this is the first crucial step. We call it Coffee and Conversation. It’s a chance for you to assess us and for us to listen and truly understand what you’re up against.

Written Summary

Did we really connect? Our written summary will let you know if we understand your pain points and have viable ideas for how we can help. If we don’t think we can deliver, this is when we’ll tell you so we can both move on.

Full Proposal

Here’s where we lock down details about an engagement, complete with timelines, milestones and expected results.

Fine Tuning

You review our proposal and we fine tune it to meet your expectations. We determine upfront pricing so you won’t have any surprises or ever feel like you’re on the time clock with us.

Getting Started

We’re ready to get started. You’ll know just what we need from you and your organization. You’ll also have details on how we’ll keep you updated throughout the process. What communication to expect, when, and through what channels.

Intensive Course

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